
Sunday Jan. 12th, we will again be meeting only through zoom and NOT in person. The building will not be open, so please stay home and safe, and join us online! The Restorative Sound Bath scheduled for 1/12 has been re-scheduled for Sun. Feb. 9.

To join the ZOOM live-stream, here is the link…

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 340 014 6812   Passcode: fxBVN1

If you are able to help support us financially, we would be very grateful! You can do so either through Paypal here ->

Or send a check made out to USCL to:

USCL Church
270 Northland Blvd, Suite 322
Cincinnati  OH  45246


Want to join our email list? Send an email to ‘info@uscl.org’ and we will add you. Thank you!

Come Worship and be Touched by Spirit.

The United Spiritualists of the Christ Light is a Spiritualist church located in the northeastern section of Cincinnati, Ohio (approximately 2 miles west of the Tri-County Mall). We provide a compassionate, accepting and casual environment for anyone who is curious or wishes to learn more about Spiritualism.  We hold worship services every Sunday, and offer information on additional topics in the form of relaxed and open conversations, along with a more structured Mediumship Development program.

We invite you to join with us at our Sunday worship service as we unite to honor Mother/Father God and rejoice in the demonstrated fact of continuous life. Our community offers support, encouragement and celebration. We look forward to making your acquaintance.

Our phone number is (513) 891 – 5424.  We’re currently located at 270 Northland Blvd in the CMC Office Park.  The address is 270 Northland Blvd., Suite 322; Cincinnati OH 45246.  The building is situated roughly 2.5 miles off I-275 (Route 747 exit). The 270 building is just behind the 260 building, which faces Northland Boulevard and is obviously marked and easy to find.  It is simplest to follow Northland Blvd. to Olde Gate Drive and turn right onto Olde Gate Dr.  The first or second driveway on your right from Olde Gate Dr. will take you to the 270 building.  There is an entrance in the front, which will bring you in on the 1st floor (there is one small step to enter here) – and an entrance in the rear, which will bring you in on the 2nd floor (and has a wheelchair ramp).  USCL is located on the third floor in Suite 322.  There is an elevator.  Sunday Services begin at 10:30am.

From Northland Blvd, you will see:

Go past this driveway to the next street – Olde Gate Dr. and turn right onto Olde Gate. Turn right at the first or second driveway to the lot for the 270 building.

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